
Source: Evening Standard

Statistics on 101 calls made.

Between July 2017 and July 2018 there were 2,648,188 Met Police 101 calls.

  • Of which 57% failed to complete their call – which is over 1.5m calls
  • From these 1.5m calls 1,257,858 calls were “aborted” after an average 15 minute wait

Source: Ilford Recorder

Statistics on vehicle crime.

Between October 2015 and August 2018 there were:

  • 9,943 reports from people in Redbridge relating to break ins, thefts from motor vehicles, damage and vehicle theft;
  • 9,745 cases are either still open, never updated or closed without a suspect identified;
  • 26 people have gone to prison during the period;
  • 11 people went to court but found not guilty;
  • Nine court cases were not able to proceed.

The top 3 wards for vehicle crime in Redbridge between October 2015 and August 2018 are:

  • Valentines Ward – 722 crimes reported
  • Wanstead – 703 crimes reported
  • Snaresbrook – 623 crimes reported

The single worst affected location was Cranbrook Road with 51 offences taking place – resulting in only one person being taken to court.

Source: Telegraph

Source: Metropolitan Police

Crime volumes by month for the London Borough of Redbridge

Source: Metropolitan Police

Crime volumes by month for the Barkingside Ward in the London Borough of Redbridge

Source: Metropolitan Police

Crime statistics for The Woods Estate

Source: Police UK

Source: Police UK

Source: National Audit Office

(Excludes funding from the local council tax support grant)

Source: BBC

Homicides in Redbridge (January 2018 – 17th December 2018)

Red – Stabbing    Blue – Assault

Source: BBC

Homicides in London (January 2018 – 17th December 2018)

Red – Stabbing     Blue – Assault     Dark Purple – Shooting     Light Purple – Fire     Green – Other

Source: Daily Mail

Burglary Capitals of the UK by Postcode

Postcode districts who have made the contents claims on home insurance policies

  • National average (Jan 2019) : 14.8 (per 1000)
  • Ilford (Jan 2019) is only one of two areas in London that made the top 20 list – the other is Buckhurst Hill (IG9).

Top 20

Bottom 20

Source: Twitter

Crime Statistics for Redbridge Year-on-Year 


The most dangerous boroughs to live in London according to police statistics – July 2019